Skills assessment

What’s are skills assessments about?

According to French regulations, skills assessments are more than just tests to assess individual’s skills. They consist in a 2 to 3 months’ support and guidance programme which includes analysing skills, interests and professional drivers, with the objective to define a new professional project.

Are you eligible?

You are eligible whatever your status: employee, job-seeker, independent worker, or CEO.

What’s the value of skills assessments for employers?

Skills assessments are used by companies to increase staff motivation and / or identify skills needs, facilitate workforce planning and build internal career paths.

What’s the value to individuals?

A skills assessment makes individuals more confident about their capabilities. It raises their awareness of their strengths and blocking points and empowers them through their career development. The outcome is the definition of a realistic and achievable professional project aligned with individual’s skills and professional drivers.

How does it work?

A skills assessment can take 6 to 10 weeks. It includes 7 face to face sessions of 2 hours and a minimum of 10 hours of guided personal work.

It includes 3 stages which are defined by the labor code provisions :

  • Initial stage: defining the individual’s expectations and informing her/ him on the modalities of the exercise
  • Investigation stage: identification of skills, motivations and career perspectives
  • Closing stage: definition of a realistic and achievable professional project and of an implementation plan


  • Through the company training plan
  • Within the scope of a skills assessment leave
  • Through your vocational training fund (OPCO)
  • Through your Personal training account (CPF) 

Our added value

  • We are business professionals, experts in human ressources, skills analysis and career development
  • Trained and certifed in skills assesment, we offer a bespoke service and active listening
  • Our approach is pragmatic, structured and scalable
Want to know more about our skills assessment program?