Organizational diagnosis
Organizational diagnostic
- Start-up
- Headcount < 100
- Organisational and communication challenges in a fast growing company
- To give all employees the opportunity to express themselves and make improvement proposals
- Separate opinions from facts
- Identify the reasons behind situations
- Encourage employees to make proposals and confront views
- Design of an employees’ interview guide
- Coaching of team leaders to collect all employees’ feed-back
- Semi-structured interviews with employees to cover all business activities
- Extensive review of organisation charts, job descriptions, internal procedures, internal notes, and their alignment with business goals
- Data analysis
Production of a comprehensive report including recommendations and covering the following aspects:
- Organisation of working teams
- Communication (ascending/ descending)
- Delegation
- Reporting
- Planning
- Vision
- Interactions between working teams
- Newcomers’ induction
- Psychosocial risks
Debrief sessions with each department manager and with the Board